Recent Progress and Future Challenges of Functional Textiles Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition-Juniper Publishers

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technique has been regarded as one of the most efficient and promising approaches for the functionalization of complex-shaped surfaces due to its precise and simple thickness control, excellent conformality. Additionally, mild growth conditions such as low temperature and oxygen-free characteristic of ALD made it particularly attracting for the fabrication of functional textiles. Functionalization of natural or synthetic fabrics such as cotton, silk, polyvinyl alcohol, Kevlar and even to chemical-inert Carbon Fiber (CFF) via ALD to endow them with super hydrophobicity, conductivity, antibacterial activity, UV-blocking property, anti-yellowing property, and retardancy are reviewed. Finally, the challenges and perspectives on the application of ALD in the functionalization of fabrics are proposed.

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