Destruction of Azo-Reactive Dyes by Ozonation and the Synergetic Effect of a Radio-Frequency Alternating Electric Field Inductance Device-Juniper Publishers

Discharge of textile wastewater into water-bodies causes serious environmental and health problems. Wastewater color remains due to the non-biodegradable nature of the dyes. However, treatment with ozone can lead to the destruction of the dye molecule, decolorizing thus the textile effluent. In this paper, treatment with ozone in a bubble column reactor resulted in rapid destruction of azo-reactive dyes, utilized primarily for dyeing cellulose fibers. Moreover, ozonation kinetics can be described as a mass-transfer-control process. Combining ozonation with a novel radio-frequency alternating electric field inductance device led to faster destruction of the azo-reactive dyes due to synergetic effects.

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