Fiber Identification from Ethiopian Ladies Skirt-Juniper Publishers

Along with the trend toward automation in the textile industry, an objective, correct, and efficient fiber identification method and blend analysis has become an important component of rapid respondent systems the textile industry desires. This research is doing component and percentage quantity analysis for fabrics imported to Ethiopia at present situation for ladies skirts. Identification and analysis is done by assessing fiber hand touch feeling characteristics, burning nature, longitudinal microscopic appearance, solubility in many chemical solvents and blend ratio analysis calculation. Most of the fabrics imported to Ethiopia for ladies skirt are synthetics and blend of synthetics like polyester, acrylic ,blend of polyester and wool, blend of polyester and cotton, blend of polyester, cotton and wool, blend of polyester, acrylic and wool, blend of polyester and acrylic, blend of polyester and nylon ,blend of polyester ,nylon and cotton. Polyester is the major of which imported in single component and blended with others. Some fabrics contain Lycra spandexes which give better stretch ability. Considering the comfort, cost effectiveness and serviceability blend of polyesters with natural are highly desired by Ethiopian ladies. Therefore it is advantageous to produce these kinds of fabrics the country for the future to satisfy the Ethiopian ladies need.

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