
Showing posts from November, 2018

Sustainable Development at an Individual Level: The Key to Sustainable Textiles and Fashion-Juniper Publishers

We have always argued that the concept of sustainability invites us to set aside our ideological and institutional assumptions and address global problems and needs with a sense of humility. The size of the sustainability challenges- and, therefore, the potential opportunities for progress-exceed anything that has been faced in the history of mankind. Today, the major challenge is to strike a reasonable balance between usually conflicting issues. To read more: Full text For more Open access journals please click on Juniper Publishers For more articles please click on Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering

Expansion of Natural Dye Colour Gamut for Use by the Local Textile and Craft Industry-Juniper Publishers

Natural dyes have been used since long back in various areas such as textiles, craftwork, food colouring and also as medicine. This work was based on expansion of the colour shade that can be obtained from natural dyes for use by the small scale users. The natural dye was extracted from three naturally available plants locally in Zimbabwe using the cold extraction under gravity method. An alcohol was used to extract the dye using a vacuum pump and left to dry. The extracted dye was then used to dye fabric strips using different metals as mordants. From the colour charts generated from the various dyeings it was shown that the shades can be extended for certain plants and in some cases they are not easy to expand. Application of the metal mordants at different concentrations was also found to have an effect on the hue of the dyed fabric strips. The results show that the natural dye from the Mukwa (Pterocarpus anglonesis) gave a wider range of shades as compared to th

Toughness Properties of Nanostitched and Nanoprepreg Carbon/Epoxy Materials-Juniper Publishers

Textile composites have been used in various space- aerospace, ballistic and medical areas due to their high stiffness to weight ratio and damage tolerance properties. Recently, nanosphere, single wall or multiwall tubes were employed in fiber based composites by dispersing the nano in the resin using various techniques. Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) or MultiWall Carbon Nano Tubes (MWCNTs) have become an important industrial material especially in the use of advanced composites. This provided a significant improvement in mode-I fracture toughness and tension-bearing. The objective of this study was to develop nano stitching/nano prepreg carbon/epoxy composites and to examine the fracture toughness of those structures. To read more: Full text For more Open access journals please click on   Juniper Publishers For more articles please click on  Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering

The Fabrication and Functional Properties of Cooling and Anti-UV Polyamide 6 Fiber Products-Juniper Publishers

Due to rapid changes in climate and increasingly serious environmental pollution, the wearer gradually feels the discomfort caused by the hot weather Therefore, the fiber products with cooling and anti-UV, antibacterial, moisture absorption and water absorption etc. functions become an urgent need. Recently, the composites of polymer and functional additives have attracted much more attention and made a great advance in the fiber, polymer, film, and composite materials field. One of the most prevalent or popular classes of fiber is composed of materials containing an organic binding matrix with inorganic material as the functional fillers. To overcome the disadvantage of regular Polyamide 6 fiber products, composites incorporates organic polyamide and functional inorganic fillers have been developed to improve functional properties of polyamide fabrics. To read more: Full text For more Open access journals please click on   Juniper Publishers For more articles p

Progress of Intelligent Yarn Spinning Technology in China-Juniper Publishers

To upgrade the textile industry, increase efficiency, guarantee quality and improve the international competition, the owners of the Chinese textile mills realized that intelligent technology might help them achieve their goals ten years ago. To the owners of the spinning mill, it seems to be more urgent since they face the shortage of workers, increment of wages and high employee turnover rate due to bad workshop environment and strenuous manual labor. From 2012 to 2016, the labor force population has decreased almost 3.65M each year in China [ 1 ]. The decrease might get to balance 10 years later. The worse thing is that the younger generation workers would rather not endure the hard work and the bad environment as the elder generation did. The owners of the textile mills have to seek the replacement by intelligent yarn spinning technology. To read more: Full text For more Open access journals please click on Juniper Publishers For more articles please click on  Current Trends

Production of Valuable Nanoparticles from Waste Protein Fibres-Juniper Publishers

Nowadays, recycling natural waste materials is the most appropriate way of dealing with the problems arising from disposal of large volumes of synthetic polymers in the environment. Among the natural materials, keratin proteins are potentially useful biopolymers for various applications from agriculture to biomedical. Keratin, which largely presents in poultry feather, wool, and hair, can be developed into various shapes and forms of foams, sponges, mats, films, gels, fibers, and powder. Since the protein powder could keep the original properties of the material without destroying the microstructure, it has been widely applied in modern industries. Nanoparticles can be produced by different methods such as milling, spray drying, electro spraying, rotary blades and sonication. The recovered keratin from natural resources in powder form has promising potential for a wide range of applications including cosmetics, filtration, composites, etc. This paper overviews a brief

Fiber Identification from Ethiopian Ladies Skirt-Juniper Publishers

Along with the trend toward automation in the textile industry, an objective, correct, and efficient fiber identification method and blend analysis has become an important component of rapid respondent systems the textile industry desires. This research is doing component and percentage quantity analysis for fabrics imported to Ethiopia at present situation for ladies skirts. Identification and analysis is done by assessing fiber hand touch feeling characteristics, burning nature, longitudinal microscopic appearance, solubility in many chemical solvents and blend ratio analysis calculation. Most of the fabrics imported to Ethiopia for ladies skirt are synthetics and blend of synthetics like polyester, acrylic ,blend of polyester and wool, blend of polyester and cotton, blend of polyester, cotton and wool, blend of polyester, acrylic and wool, blend of polyester and acrylic, blend of polyester and nylon ,blend of polyester ,nylon and cotton. Polyester is the major of

A Comparative Study of Disposable Agriculture Coveralls Based on Wearer Trials-Juniper Publishers

Agricultural workers require work wear that fits well and is comfortable, durable, and protects from hazardous substances encountered in the work place. In order to understand how garment style and design details affect fitting, mobility, durability and protection, three styles of disposable agricultural coveralls are compared through wearer trials. They include a traditional disposable coverall from the market (Labeled as “B”), a modified coverall from the same manufacturer with elastic panels in the back (Labeled as “R”) and a design created by the researchers that incorporates pleated sections (Labeled as "P). By analyzing the data of the wearer trials and wearers' feedbacks, it was found that the pleat design in “P” style was the least preferred in terms of fitting as the pleats were opened in stretch movements and present a hindrance due to the fact that they did not lay flat. Instead, users preferred the “R” style as the elastic panels under the arms and at back prov

Hedonic/Utilitarian Cool Attitudes: A Comparison of Young Female and Male Consumers-Juniper Publishers

Young consumers are considered fashion innovators because they tend to accept, adopt, and use new products more frequently than any other consumer group. Young consumers are appealing to commercial apparel marketers because their purchasing power has increased over the years and their buying behavior can influence the acceptance or rejection/avoidance of new products within a few months after they are introduced to the marketplace. Apparel marketers use the concept of cool as a marketing tool to stimulate young consumers to purchase. A cool lifestyle reflects consumers' desire for novelty. As such, marketers that develop profitable new cool products fulfill consumers' tastes for novelty. In general, consumers purchase products for both hedonic and utilitarian values in shopping venues. Specifically, women tend to enjoy hedonic shopping more than men, who often shop only to accomplish an instrumental need and do not engage in "shopping for shopping's s

Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering-Juniper Publishers

CTFTTE introduces pioneering technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials, processes, chemistry and systems. It will encourage interdisciplinary research which will share newly developed technology, theory and techniques in the fashion and textile industries in the field of Fashion Technology - includes research in fashion design, pattern cutting, apparel production and manufacturing technology and in Textile Engineering deals with all activities and methods which are involved in the process of textile manufacturing. It is concerning to the design and organize the fiber, apparel and textile process, machinery and products.This journal is main aims to publish all topics of fashion technology and textile engineering by the form of all type of articles, Books and video articles to reach the fashion world. For more open access journals click on Juniper Publishers For more article click on